Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
No Matches
19#ifndef UEVENT_H
20#define UEVENT_H
22#include "TLorentzVector.h"
23#include "TObject.h"
24#include "TString.h"
26class TClonesArray;
27class UParticle;
30class UEvent : public TObject {
33 Int_t fEventNr; // Event number
34 Double_t fB; // Impact parameter (fm)
35 Double_t fPhi; // Reaction plane angle
36 Int_t fNes; // Number of event steps
37 Int_t fStepNr; // Event step number
38 Double_t fStepT; // Event step time
39 Int_t fNpa; // Number of particles
40 TString fComment; // Generator-specific information
41 TClonesArray* fParticles; // Array of particles
44 UEvent();
45 UEvent(const UEvent& right);
46 UEvent& operator=(const UEvent& right);
47 virtual ~UEvent();
48 void Print(Option_t* option = "");
49 inline Int_t GetEventNr() const { return fEventNr; }
50 inline Double_t GetB() const { return fB; }
51 inline Double_t GetPhi() const { return fPhi; }
52 inline Int_t GetNes() const { return fNes; }
53 inline Int_t GetStepNr() const { return fStepNr; }
54 inline Double_t GetStepT() const { return fStepT; }
55 inline Int_t GetNpa() const { return fNpa; }
56 inline TClonesArray* GetParticleList() const { return fParticles; }
57 inline void GetComment(TString& comment) const { comment = fComment; }
58 UParticle* GetParticle(Int_t index) const;
59 void SetParameters(Int_t eventNr, Double_t b, Double_t phi, Int_t nes, Int_t stepNr, Double_t stepT, const char* comment = "");
60 inline void SetEventNr(Int_t eventNr) { fEventNr = eventNr; }
61 inline void SetB(Double_t b) { fB = b; }
62 inline void SetPhi(Double_t phi) { fPhi = phi; }
63 inline void SetNes(Int_t nes) { fNes = nes; }
64 inline void SetStepNr(Int_t stepNr) { fStepNr = stepNr; }
65 inline void SetStepT(Double_t stepT) { fStepT = stepT; }
66 inline void SetComment(const char* comment) { fComment = comment; }
67 void AddParticle(Int_t index,
68 Int_t pdg,
69 Int_t status,
70 Int_t parent,
71 Int_t parentDecay,
72 Int_t mate,
73 Int_t decay,
74 Int_t child[2],
75 Double_t px,
76 Double_t py,
77 Double_t pz,
78 Double_t e,
79 Double_t x,
80 Double_t y,
81 Double_t z,
82 Double_t t,
83 Double_t weight);
84 void AddParticle(Int_t index,
85 Int_t pdg,
86 Int_t status,
87 Int_t parent,
88 Int_t parentDecay,
89 Int_t mate,
90 Int_t decay,
91 Int_t child[2],
92 TLorentzVector mom,
93 TLorentzVector pos,
94 Double_t weight);
95 void AddParticle(const UParticle& particle);
96 void Clear();
97 void RemoveAt(Int_t i);
99 ClassDef(UEvent, 2);