Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
This is the complete list of members for HalDbg::RecoEvent, including all inherited members.
AddTrack() | Hal::Event | |
Boost(Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz) | Hal::Event | virtual |
Build(Event *event, const CompressionMap &map) | Hal::Event | |
Build(Event *event) | Hal::Event | |
CalculateCharge(Int_t pdg) const | Hal::Event | protected |
CheckBranches(Int_t n...) const | Hal::Event | protected |
CheckBranches(std::initializer_list< TString > list) const | Hal::Event | protected |
Clear(Option_t *opt=" ") | Hal::Event | virtual |
Compress(TClonesArray *array, const CompressionMap &map) | Hal::Event | protected |
Compress(const CompressionMap &map) | Hal::Event | |
CopyCompress(Event *event, const CompressionMap &map) | Hal::Event | protected |
CopyData(Event *event) | Hal::Event | protected |
CopyHiddenSettings(const Event *) | Hal::Event | inlinevirtual |
CreateInterface() const | HalDbg::RecoEvent | virtual |
Event(TString track_class, TString v0_class="Hal::V0Track", TString xi_class="Hal::XiTrack") | Hal::Event | protected |
Event() | Hal::Event | |
Event(const Event &other) | Hal::Event | |
ExistInTree() const | HalDbg::RecoEvent | virtual |
ExpEvent(TString track_class, TString v0_class="Hal::V0Track", TString xi_class="Hal::XiTrack") (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | protected |
ExpEvent() (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | |
ExpEvent(const ExpEvent &other) (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | |
fEventId (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fEventTrigger (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | protected |
fMagField (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | protected |
fMultiplicity (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fNTofTracks (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | protected |
fPDG (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fPhi (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fPhiError (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fRunInfoId (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | protected |
fTotalTracksNo (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fTracks (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fV0sHiddenInfo (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fVertex (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
fVertexError (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | protected |
fXisHiddenInfo (defined in Hal::Event) | Hal::Event | protected |
GetDetEvent() const | Hal::ExpEvent | inlinevirtual |
GetEventID() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetFieldName(Int_t fieldID) const | Hal::ExpEvent | virtual |
GetFieldVal(Int_t fieldID) const | Hal::ExpEvent | virtual |
GetFormatName() const | HalDbg::RecoEvent | inlinevirtual |
GetFormatType() const | Hal::Event | inlinevirtual |
GetMagField() const (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | inline |
GetMaxExpectedLinks() const | Hal::Event | inlinevirtual |
GetMutliplicity() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetNewEvent() const | Hal::Event | virtual |
GetNewTrack() const | Hal::Event | |
GetNTofTracks() const | Hal::ExpEvent | inline |
GetPhi() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetPhiError() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetRunId() const | Hal::ExpEvent | inline |
GetTotalTrackNo() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetTotalV0No() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetTrack(Int_t i) const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetV0HiddenInfo() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetVertex() const | Hal::Event | inline |
GetVertexError() const (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | inline |
HasHiddenSettings() const | Hal::Event | inlinevirtual |
IsCompatible(const Event *non_buffered) const | Hal::Event | virtual |
Print(Option_t *opt="") const | Hal::Event | virtual |
RecoEvent() (defined in HalDbg::RecoEvent) | HalDbg::RecoEvent | |
Report() const | Hal::Event | virtual |
ResetHiddenInfoCounter() | Hal::Event | inlineprotected |
RotateZ(Double_t phi) | Hal::Event | virtual |
SetEventID(Int_t newID) | Hal::Event | inline |
SetPhi(Double_t phi, Double_t phi_error=0) | Hal::Event | inline |
ShallowCopyCompressTracks(Event *event, const CompressionMap &map) | Hal::Event | protectedvirtual |
ShallowCopyEvent(Event *event) | Hal::ExpEvent | protectedvirtual |
ShallowCopyTracks(Event *event) | Hal::Event | protectedvirtual |
Update(Hal::EventInterface *interface) | HalDbg::RecoEvent | virtual |
~Event() | Hal::Event | virtual |
~ExpEvent() (defined in Hal::ExpEvent) | Hal::ExpEvent | virtual |
~RecoEvent() (defined in HalDbg::RecoEvent) | HalDbg::RecoEvent | inlinevirtual |