Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
This is the complete list of members for Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup, including all inherited members.
CorrFitParamsSetup(Int_t params=1) (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
CorrFitParamsSetup(TString xmlFile) (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
CorrFitParamsSetup(const CorrFitParamsSetup &other) (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
GetDimensions() const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
GetMax(Int_t par_id) const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | inline |
GetMin(Int_t par_id) const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | inline |
GetNJobs() const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
GetNParams() const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | inline |
GetNPoints(Int_t par_id) const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | inline |
GetNSteps(Int_t par_id) const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | inline |
GetParId(TString name) const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
GetParName(Int_t par_id) const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | inline |
GetStepSize(Int_t par_id) const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
operator=(const CorrFitParamsSetup &rhs) (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
Print(Option_t *opt="") const (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | virtual |
SetParameter(Int_t par_id, Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t points, TString name) (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | |
TestMapFile(Int_t jobId) (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | static |
~CorrFitParamsSetup() (defined in Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup) | Hal::CorrFitParamsSetup | inlinevirtual |