Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
This is the complete list of members for Hal::Cout, including all inherited members.
Cout() (defined in Hal::Cout) | Hal::Cout | |
Database(Int_t no...) | Hal::Cout | static |
Database(std::initializer_list< TString > list) | Hal::Cout | static |
Database(const std::vector< TString > &list) | Hal::Cout | static |
DebugInfo(Int_t i) | Hal::Cout | static |
DebugInfo(TString file, Int_t i) | Hal::Cout | static |
Empty(Color_t color=-1) | Hal::Cout | static |
FailSucced(TString value, TString flag, Color_t color) | Hal::Cout | static |
GetColor(Color_t Color) | Hal::Cout | static |
GetDisableColor() | Hal::Cout | static |
GetVerboseMode() | Hal::Cout | inlinestatic |
Instance() | Hal::Cout | static |
InStars(TString text, Color_t color=-1) | Hal::Cout | static |
Percent(Double_t actual, Double_t total) | Hal::Cout | static |
PrintInfo(TString text, Hal::EInfo status) | Hal::Cout | static |
PrintLineFileInfo(TString file, Int_t line, TString text, Hal::EInfo flag=Hal::EInfo::kDebugInfo) | Hal::Cout | static |
ProgressBar(Double_t acutal, Double_t total) | Hal::Cout | static |
SetLineLenght(Int_t lenght) | Hal::Cout | inlinestatic |
SetVerboseMode(Hal::EInfo verbose) | Hal::Cout | static |
ShiftDatabase(Int_t shift, Int_t no...) | Hal::Cout | static |
ShiftInStars(Int_t shift, TString text, Color_t color=-1) | Hal::Cout | static |
ShiftText(Int_t shift, TString text, TString option, Color_t color=-1) | Hal::Cout | static |
Stars(Color_t color=-1) | Hal::Cout | static |
Text(TString text, TString option="L", Color_t color=-1) | Hal::Cout | static |
~Cout() (defined in Hal::Cout) | Hal::Cout | virtual |