Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
This is the complete list of members for Hal::MultiGraph, including all inherited members.
AddHistogram(const TH1 &h, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
Draw(Option_t *opt="") | Hal::MultiGraph | |
GetGraph(Int_t no) const | Hal::MultiGraph | |
GetMutliGraph() const | Hal::MultiGraph | |
GetNGraphs() const | Hal::MultiGraph | inline |
GetXaxis() | Hal::MultiGraph | |
GetYaxis() | Hal::MultiGraph | |
MakeGraph(Option_t *opt="P") | Hal::MultiGraph | |
MakeGraphs(Int_t no, Option_t *opt="P") | Hal::MultiGraph | |
MultiGraph() (defined in Hal::MultiGraph) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
MultiGraph(Int_t graphs, Option_t *opt="") | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetLineAttributes(Style_t style, Width_t width, Color_t color, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetLineColor(Color_t color, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetLineStyle(Style_t style, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetLineWidth(Width_t width, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetMarkerAttributes(Style_t style, Size_t size, Color_t color, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetMarkerColor(Color_t color, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetMarkerSize(Size_t size, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetMarkerStyle(Style_t marker, Int_t no=-1) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetPoint(Int_t graph, Int_t point, Double_t x, Double_t y) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetPoint(Int_t graph, Int_t point, Double_t x, Double_t ex, Double_t y, Double_t ey) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetXRange(Double_t min, Double_t max) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
SetYRange(Double_t min, Double_t max) | Hal::MultiGraph | |
~MultiGraph() (defined in Hal::MultiGraph) | Hal::MultiGraph | virtual |