Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
This is the complete list of members for Hal::TrackBasicMCCut, including all inherited members.
AntiValidate() | Hal::Cut | protected |
Cut(const Int_t size=1, ECutUpdate update=ECutUpdate::kNo, TString groupFlag="") | Hal::Cut | |
Cut(const Cut &cut) | Hal::Cut | |
CutName(Option_t *opt="") const | Hal::Cut | virtual |
Eta() | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | inlinestatic |
fCollectionID | Hal::Cut | protected |
fCutSize | Hal::Cut | protected |
fGroupFlag | Hal::Cut | protected |
Finish() | Hal::Cut | inline |
fInit | Hal::Cut | protected |
fIsCloned | Hal::Cut | protected |
fLabel | Hal::Cut | protected |
ForcedUpdate(Bool_t state) | Hal::Cut | protected |
FormatEquals(TString format, Int_t format_id, EFormatDepth depth=EFormatDepth::kAll) const | Hal::Cut | protected |
FormatInhertis(TString format, Int_t format_id, EFormatDepth depth=EFormatDepth::kAll) const | Hal::Cut | protected |
fState | Hal::Cut | protected |
fUpdateRatio | Hal::Cut | protected |
fWeight | Hal::Cut | protected |
GetBinLabels(Int_t par=0) const | Hal::Cut | virtual |
GetCollectionID() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetCutSize() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetFailed() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetGroupFlag() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetMax(Int_t i=0) const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetMin(Int_t i=0) const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetPassed() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetTotal() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetUnit(Int_t i) const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetUpdateRatio() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetValue(Int_t i=0) const | Hal::Cut | inline |
GetWeight() | Hal::Cut | inline |
HasPassed() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
Init(Int_t task_id) | Hal::TrackMCCut | virtual |
InLimits(Int_t par) const | Hal::Cut | protected |
IsCloned() const | Hal::Cut | inline |
MakeComplexCut(Option_t *opt) const | Hal::TrackCut | |
MakeCopy() const | Hal::Cut | inlinevirtual |
MultiClone(Int_t no, Bool_t increment_collections=kFALSE) | Hal::Cut | |
operator=(const Cut &other) | Hal::Cut | |
OutLimits(Int_t par) const | Hal::Cut | inlineprotected |
Pass(Track *track) | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | virtual |
Pdg() | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | inlinestatic |
Print(Option_t *option="") const | Hal::Cut | virtual |
Pt() | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | inlinestatic |
Report() const | Hal::TrackCut | virtual |
Reset() | Hal::Cut | |
SetCollectionID(Int_t i) | Hal::Cut | inline |
SetEtaCut(Double_t min, Double_t max) | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | |
SetLabel(Int_t label) | Hal::Cut | inline |
SetMaximum(Double_t max, Int_t i=0) | Hal::Cut | inline |
SetMinAndMax(Double_t val, Int_t i=0) | Hal::Cut | |
SetMinimum(Double_t min, Int_t i=0) | Hal::Cut | inline |
SetMinMax(Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t i=0) | Hal::Cut | |
SetPdgCut(Int_t pdg) | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | |
SetPtCut(Double_t min, Double_t max) | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | |
SetStatusCut(Int_t stat) | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | |
SetUnitName(TString name, Int_t i=0) | Hal::Cut | inline |
SetValue(Double_t val, Int_t i=0) | Hal::Cut | inline |
Split(Int_t n, Int_t i=0, Double_t shift=0) const | Hal::Cut | |
Status() | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | inlinestatic |
TrackBasicMCCut() | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | |
TrackCut(const Int_t i=1) | Hal::TrackCut | |
TrackMCCut(const Int_t size=1) (defined in Hal::TrackMCCut) | Hal::TrackMCCut | |
Validate() | Hal::Cut | protected |
ValidateAbs() | Hal::Cut | protected |
~Cut() (defined in Hal::Cut) | Hal::Cut | inlinevirtual |
~TrackBasicMCCut() (defined in Hal::TrackBasicMCCut) | Hal::TrackBasicMCCut | virtual |
~TrackCut() (defined in Hal::TrackCut) | Hal::TrackCut | virtual |
~TrackMCCut() (defined in Hal::TrackMCCut) | Hal::TrackMCCut | virtual |