Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
This is the complete list of members for MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ, including all inherited members.
AddCut(TString cut, Int_t parameter_no=0) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
AddForcedCut(Cut *cut, Int_t no) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
AreSimilar(CutMonitor *other) const | Hal::CutMonitor | |
CopySettings(const CutMonitor *original) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
CreateHistograms() | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | protectedvirtual |
CutMonitor(Int_t size=0) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
CutMonitor(const CutMonitor &other) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
CutMonitorXYZ() (defined in Hal::CutMonitorXYZ) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | |
CutMonitorXYZ(TString cut_A, TString cut_B, TString cut_C) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | |
CutMonitorXYZ(TString cut_A, Int_t par_A, std::initializer_list< Double_t > xAxis, TString cut_B, Int_t par_B, std::initializer_list< Double_t > yAxis, TString cut_C, Int_t par_C, std::initializer_list< Double_t > zAxis) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | |
CutMonitorXYZ(TString cut_A, Int_t par_A, TString cut_B, Int_t par_B, TString cut_C, Int_t par_C) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | |
CutMonitorXYZ(const CutMonitorXYZ &other) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | |
EnableExclusiveUpdate() | Hal::CutMonitor | |
fAxisBins | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fAxisMax | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fAxisMin | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fAxisNo | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fCollectionID | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fCut | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fCutNames | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fCuts | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fExUpdate | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fFormatType (defined in Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | protected |
fHistoFailed | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fHistoPassed | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fInit | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fOptionAxis | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fUpdateRatio | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
fXaxisName (defined in Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | protected |
fYaxisName (defined in Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | protected |
fZaxisName (defined in Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | protected |
GetAxisNo() const | Hal::CutMonitor | inline |
GetCollectionID() const | Hal::CutMonitor | inline |
GetCut(Int_t i) const | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
GetCutLink(Int_t i) const | Hal::CutMonitor | inline |
GetCutName(Int_t i) const | Hal::CutMonitor | inline |
GetCutParameter(Int_t i) const | Hal::CutMonitor | |
GetUpdateRatio() const | Hal::CutMonitor | |
Init(Int_t task_id) | MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ | virtual |
MakeCopy() const | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | inlinevirtual |
ObjMonitor() const | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | inlinevirtual |
operator=(const PropertyMonitorXYZ &other) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | |
Hal::CutMonitorXYZ::operator=(const CutMonitorXYZ &other) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | |
Hal::CutMonitor::operator=(const CutMonitor &other) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ() (defined in MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ) | MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ | |
PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ(std::initializer_list< Double_t > x, std::initializer_list< Double_t > y, std::initializer_list< Double_t > z) (defined in MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ) | MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ | |
PropertyMonitorXYZ(TString xLabel="", TString yLabel="", TString zLabel="", ECutUpdate update=ECutUpdate::kEvent) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | |
PropertyMonitorXYZ(const PropertyMonitorXYZ &other) (defined in Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | |
Report() const | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | virtual |
Reset() | Hal::CutMonitor | |
SetAxis(Int_t bins, Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t opt) | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
SetAxisList(std::initializer_list< Double_t > axis, Char_t opt) | Hal::CutMonitor | protected |
SetCollectionID(Int_t i) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
SetXaxis(Int_t bins, Double_t min, Double_t max) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
SetYaxis(Int_t bins, Double_t min, Double_t max) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
SetZaxis(Int_t bins, Double_t min, Double_t max) | Hal::CutMonitor | |
TrueUpdate(Bool_t pass) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | protectedvirtual |
Update(Bool_t passed, TObject *obj) | MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ | virtual |
~CutMonitor() (defined in Hal::CutMonitor) | Hal::CutMonitor | virtual |
~CutMonitorXYZ() (defined in Hal::CutMonitorXYZ) | Hal::CutMonitorXYZ | virtual |
~PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ() (defined in MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ) | MyHal::PropertyMonitorTemplateXYZ | virtual |
~PropertyMonitorXYZ() (defined in Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ) | Hal::PropertyMonitorXYZ | virtual |