Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
No Matches
2 * EventAna.cxx
3 *
4 * Created on: 05-08-2013
5 * Author: Daniel Wielanek
6 * E-mail: daniel.wielanek@gmail.com
7 * Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics
8 */
10#include "EventAna.h"
11#include "MemoryMapManager.h"
13#include "Cout.h"
14#include "Cut.h"
15#include "CutContainer.h"
16#include "CutsAndMonitors.h"
17#include "DataFormatManager.h"
18#include "DataManager.h"
19#include "Event.h"
20#include "EventVirtualCut.h"
21#include "Helix.h"
22#include "MagField.h"
23#include "Package.h"
24#include "Parameter.h"
25#include "StdString.h"
27#include <TCollection.h>
28#include <TDatabasePDG.h>
29#include <TFile.h>
30#include <TList.h>
31#include <TNamed.h>
32#include <TObjString.h>
33#include <vector>
36namespace Hal {
38 EventAna::EventAna(ECutUpdate tiers) :
39 Task(),
40 fProcessedEvents(0),
41 fMixSize(1),
42 fEventCollectionsNo(0),
43 fCurrentEventCollectionID(0),
44 fTiers(tiers),
45 fPDG(nullptr),
46 fCutContainer(NULL),
47 fMemoryMap(nullptr),
48 fCurrentEvent(nullptr),
49 fComment(""),
50 fInit(kFALSE),
51 fInChain(kFALSE),
52 fTaskID(0),
53 fInFileName(""),
54 fDataFormatManager(nullptr) {
56 fDataFormatManager = DataFormatManager::Instance();
60 AddTags("ana");
62 fIsLastTask = kFALSE;
64 }
66 Task::EInitFlag EventAna::Init() {
68 // TList* list = FairRunAna::Instance()->GetMainTask()->GetListOfTasks();
69 // if (this == list->At(list->GetEntries() - 1)) { fIsLastTask = kTRUE; }
71 /* trying to set magfield */
72 fPDG = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
74 if (TESTBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kChecking) == kTRUE) {
75#ifdef HAL_DEBUG
76 Cout::PrintInfo("Format checking", EInfo::kDebugInfo);
78 if (CheckFormat() == Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL) {
79 Cout::PrintInfo("Failed to check format", EInfo::kError);
80 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
81 }
82 }
83 Task::EInitFlag stat = InitCutContainer();
84 if (stat == Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL) {
85 Cout::PrintInfo("Failed to init cut container", EInfo::kError);
86 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
87 }
90 if (!this->InheritsFrom("Hal::TrackAna") && !this->InheritsFrom("Hal::MultiTrackAna")) {
91 AddTags("eventana");
92 AddTags(DataFormatManager::Instance()->GetFormatName(this->fTaskID));
93 }
94 fInit = kTRUE;
95 return Task::EInitFlag::kSUCCESS;
96 }
99 void EventAna::ClearMemory() {
100 if (fIsLastTask) { fMemoryMap->ClearEvent(); }
101 }
104 void EventAna::Exec(Option_t* /*opt*/) {
109 }
110#ifdef _HAL_CLEAR_BUFFER_
111 ClearMemory();
113 }
115 void EventAna::SetOption(Option_t* opt) {
116 TString option = opt;
117 if (option.Contains("+")) {
118 std::vector<TString> arr = Hal::Std::ExplodeString(option, '+');
119 for (int i = 0; i < (int) arr.size(); i++) {
120 SetOption(arr[i]);
121 }
122 } else {
123 Cout::PrintInfo(Form("Invalid SetOption %s for class %s", option.Data(), this->ClassName()), EInfo::kLowWarning);
124 }
125 }
127 Task::EInitFlag EventAna::InitCutContainer() {
128 if (fCutContainer == NULL) {
129#ifdef HAL_DEBUG
130 Cout::PrintInfo("Null Cut Container, building ...", EInfo::kDebugInfo);
133 }
134#ifdef HAL_DEBUG
135 Cout::PrintInfo("Checking Cut Containers ...", EInfo::kDebugInfo);
138 for (int i = 0; i < fCutContainer->GetSize(); i++) {
139 CutCollection* empty_cont;
140 switch (i) {
141 case 0: {
142 for (int j = 0; j < fCutContainer->GetEventCollectionsNo(); j++) {
143 empty_cont = fCutContainer->GetEventCollection(j);
144 if (empty_cont == NULL) {
145 Cout::PrintInfo("NULL subcontainer for events", EInfo::kError);
146 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
147 }
148 }
149 } break;
150 case 1: {
151 for (int j = 0; j < fCutContainer->GetTrackCollectionsNo(); j++) {
152 empty_cont = fCutContainer->GetTrackCollection(j);
153 if (empty_cont == NULL) {
154 Cout::PrintInfo("NULL subcontainer for tracks", EInfo::kError);
155 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
156 }
157 }
158 } break;
159 case 2: {
160 for (int j = 0; j < fCutContainer->GetTwoTrackCollectionsNo(); j++) {
161 empty_cont = fCutContainer->GetTwoTrackCollection(j);
162 if (empty_cont == NULL) {
163 Cout::PrintInfo("NULL subcontainer for two-tracks", EInfo::kError);
164 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
165 }
166 }
167 } break;
168 case 3: {
169 for (int j = 0; j < fCutContainer->GetTwoTrackCollectionsBackgroundNo(); j++) {
171 if (empty_cont == NULL) {
172 Cout::PrintInfo("NULL subcontainer for background pairs", EInfo::kError);
173 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
174 }
175 }
176 } break;
177 }
178 }
179#ifdef HAL_DEBUG
180 Cout::PrintInfo("Linking collections", EInfo::kDebugInfo);
183#ifdef HAL_DEBUG
184 Cout::PrintInfo("Initialization cut container", EInfo::kDebugInfo);
187 return Task::EInitFlag::kSUCCESS;
188 }
194 // adding virtual cuts to push min-bias analysis
195 EventVirtualCut virtE;
196 virtE.SetCollectionID(0);
197 fCutContainer->AddCut(virtE);
198 }
202#ifdef HAL_DEBUG
203 Cout::PrintInfo("Adding virtual event cut", EInfo::kDebugInfo);
205 EventVirtualCut eventCut;
206 fCutContainer->AddCut(eventCut, "fast");
207 }
208 }
210 void EventAna::SetFormat(Event* format, EFormatDepth format_depth) {
212 dataFormat->SetFormat(format, GetTaskID(), format_depth);
213 SetFormatOption(EFormatOption::kNoReaderAcces);
214 }
217 Task(),
218 fFormatOption(ana.fFormatOption),
219 fProcessedEvents(ana.fProcessedEvents),
220 fMixSize(ana.fMixSize),
221 fEventCollectionsNo(ana.fEventCollectionsNo),
222 fTiers(ana.fTiers),
223 fPDG(ana.fPDG),
224 fCutContainer(NULL),
225 fMemoryMap(NULL),
226 fCurrentEvent(NULL),
227 fComment(""),
228 fInit(kFALSE),
229 fInChain(ana.fInChain),
230 fInFileName(ana.fInFileName),
231 fDataFormatManager(ana.fDataFormatManager) {
232 if (ana.fInit) { Cout::PrintInfo("This object has been initialized, this may result in crash", EInfo::kWarning); }
233 if (ana.fCutContainer) { fCutContainer = new CutContainer(*ana.fCutContainer); }
235 fTaskID = fDataFormatManager->RegisterFormat();
236 if (fDataFormatManager->GetFormat(ana.fTaskID)) { SetFormat(fDataFormatManager->GetFormat(ana.fTaskID)->GetNewEvent()); }
237 }
239 void EventAna::AddToAnaMetadata(Package* main_pack, TObject* obj) const {
240 if (main_pack == NULL) {
241 Cout::PrintInfo("cannot call AddToMetadata if main_pack argument is NULL", EInfo::kLowWarning);
242 return;
243 }
244 Package* metadata_pack = (Package*) main_pack->GetObjectByName("Metadata");
245 if (metadata_pack == NULL) {
246 Cout::PrintInfo("cannot add object in AddToMetadata package don't contain any Metadata object", EInfo::kLowWarning);
247 return;
248 }
249 metadata_pack->AddObject(obj);
250 }
253 fCurrentEvent = nullptr;
254 if (fCutContainer) delete fCutContainer;
255 if (fMemoryMap) delete fMemoryMap;
256 fDataFormatManager = nullptr;
257 }
260 Package* pack = new Package(this);
261 pack->SetComment(fComment);
262 Package* ana_metadata = new Package();
263 ana_metadata->SetName("Metadata");
264 ana_metadata->AddObject(new ParameterString("Analysis Name", this->ClassName()));
266 ana_metadata->AddObject(new ParameterString("DataType", dataManager->GetFormatName(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered)));
267 const Event* event_nonbufferend = dataManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered);
268 ana_metadata->AddObject(event_nonbufferend->Report());
269 if (dataManager->FormatExist(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kBuffered)) {
270 const Event* event_bufferend = dataManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kBuffered);
271 ana_metadata->AddObject(
272 new ParameterString("DataTypeBuf", dataManager->GetFormatName(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kBuffered)));
273 ana_metadata->AddObject(event_bufferend->Report());
274 } else {
275 const Event* event_bufferend = dataManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered);
276 ana_metadata->AddObject(
277 new ParameterString("DataTypeBuf", dataManager->GetFormatName(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered)));
278 ana_metadata->AddObject(event_bufferend->Report());
279 }
280 TList* tagList = new TList();
281 tagList->SetName("Tags");
282 for (auto str : fTagList) {
283 tagList->AddLast(new TObjString(str));
284 }
285 ana_metadata->AddObject(tagList);
286 pack->AddObject(ana_metadata);
288 return pack;
289 }
292 Package* pack = Report();
293 GoToDir("HalPhysics");
294 pack->Write(Form("AnaPackage_%i", GetTaskID()));
295 if (pack) { delete pack; }
296 gFile->cd();
297 Cout::PrintInfo(Form("%s done, writing results", this->ClassName()), EInfo::kDebugInfo);
298 // DataManager::Instance()->GetManager()->Fill();
299 // DataManager::Instance()->GetManager()->GetOutFile()->WriteKeys();
300 }
302 void EventAna::SetComment(TString comment) { fComment = comment; }
304 void EventAna::AddTags(TString tag) {
305 if (tag.BeginsWith(" ")) {
306 AddTags(tag(1, tag.Length()));
307 } else if (tag.Contains(" ")) {
308 Int_t begin = tag.First(' ');
309 Int_t lenght = tag.Length();
310 TString first_part(tag(0, begin));
311 AddTags(first_part);
312 TString second_part(tag(begin + 1, lenght));
313 AddTags(second_part);
314 } else {
315 for (auto str : fTagList) {
316 if (str.EqualTo(tag)) return;
317 }
318 fTagList.push_back(tag);
319 }
320 }
322 void EventAna::AddCut(const Cut& cut, Option_t* opt) {
323 if (fCutContainer == NULL) { fCutContainer = new CutContainer(fTiers); }
324 fCutContainer->AddCut(cut, opt);
325 }
327 void EventAna::AddCutMonitor(const CutMonitor& mon, Option_t* opt) {
328 if (fCutContainer == NULL) { fCutContainer = new CutContainer(fTiers); }
329 fCutContainer->AddMonitor(mon, opt);
330 }
333 switch (option) {
335 SETBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kDirectAcesss); // direct access
336 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kReader); // disable reader
337 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kSource); // disable source (probably is not stored by direct access class
338 } break;
340 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kDirectAcesss); // no direct access
341 } break;
342 case EFormatOption::kNoReaderAcces: {
343 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kReader); // reader disabled access
344 } break;
346 SETBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kCompression);
347 } break;
349 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kCompression);
350 } break;
352 SETBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kSource);
353 } break;
355 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kSource);
356 } break;
358 SETBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kReader);
359 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kDirectAcesss);
360 } break;
362 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kDirectAcesss); // no direct access
363 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kReader); // no reader
364 } break;
366 CLRBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kChecking);
367 } break;
368 };
369 }
371 Task::EInitFlag EventAna::CheckFormat() {
373 DataManager* datamanager = DataManager::Instance();
374 SetInputFileName(DataManager::Instance()->GetSourceName());
375 if (formatManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered) == nullptr) {
376 Cout::PrintInfo("Format is not set, switching to reader", EInfo::kError);
378 }
379 if (TESTBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kReader)) { // use reader data
380 Event* event = nullptr;
381 event = dynamic_cast<Hal::Event*>(datamanager->GetObject("HalEvent."));
382 if (event) {
383 Cout::PrintInfo("L1 format from reader has been found", EInfo::kInfo);
384 formatManager->SetFormat(event->GetNewEvent(), GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered, kTRUE);
385 if (formatManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kBuffered) == nullptr) {
386 formatManager->SetFormat(event->GetNewEvent(), GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kBuffered, kTRUE);
387 }
388 return Task::EInitFlag::kSUCCESS;
389 }
390 } else {
391 if (TESTBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kDirectAcesss)) { // direct access to data by classname.
392 TString branchName = formatManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered)->ClassName();
393 std::vector<TString> patterns;
394 patterns.push_back(branchName);
395 patterns.push_back(branchName + ".");
396 Bool_t foundFormat = kFALSE;
397 for (auto name : patterns) {
398 Hal::Event* event = dynamic_cast<Hal::Event*>(DataManager::Instance()->GetObject(name));
399 if (event) {
400 foundFormat = kTRUE;
401 formatManager->SetFormat(event->GetNewEvent(), GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered, kTRUE);
402 if (formatManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kBuffered) == nullptr) {
403 formatManager->SetFormat(event->GetNewEvent(), GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kBuffered, kTRUE);
404 }
405 break;
406 }
407 }
408 if (!foundFormat) {
409 Cout::PrintInfo(Form("Could not find direct access format %s", branchName.Data()), EInfo::kError);
410 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
411 }
412 } else { // not direct access nor reader, standard way
413 Bool_t exist = formatManager->GetFormat(GetTaskID(), EFormatDepth::kNonBuffered)->ExistInTree();
414 if (!exist) {
415 Cout::PrintInfo("The format is present but does not exist in the tree!", EInfo::kError);
416 return Task::EInitFlag::kFATAL;
417 }
418 }
419 }
420 return Task::EInitFlag::kSUCCESS;
421 }
426#ifdef HAL_DEBUG
427 Cout::PrintInfo("Initialization MemoryMap", EInfo::kDebugInfo);
429 std::vector<TString> brName;
430 if (TESTBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kReader)) {
431 brName.push_back("HalEvent.");
432 } else if (TESTBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kDirectAcesss)) {
433 TString evName = DataFormatManager::Instance()->GetFormat(GetTaskID())->ClassName();
434 brName.push_back(Form("%s.", evName.Data()));
435 brName.push_back(evName);
436 }
437 fMemoryMap->Init(1, GetTaskID(), TESTBIT(fFormatOption, eBitFormat::kCompression), brName);
438 }
441 for (int iCut = 0; iCut < monCuts.GetNCuts(); iCut++) {
442 AddCut(*monCuts.GetCut(iCut), monCuts.GetCutOption(iCut));
443 }
444 for (int iMon = 0; iMon < monCuts.GetNCutMonitors(); iMon++) {
445 AddCutMonitor(*monCuts.GetMonitor(iMon), monCuts.GetCutMonitorOption(iMon));
446 }
447 }
450 if (this->fTiers != other.fTiers) {
451 Cout::PrintInfo(Form("Cannot assign %s to %s, different tiers no", this->ClassName(), other.ClassName()), EInfo::kError);
452 return *this;
453 }
454 if (this != &other) {
457 fMixSize = other.fMixSize;
460 fPDG = other.fPDG;
461 if (fCutContainer) {
462 delete fCutContainer;
463 fCutContainer = nullptr;
464 }
465 if (fMemoryMap) {
466 delete fMemoryMap;
467 fMemoryMap = nullptr;
468 }
469 if (other.fCutContainer) fCutContainer = (CutContainer*) other.fCutContainer->Clone();
470 if (other.fMemoryMap) fMemoryMap = (MemoryMapManager*) other.fMemoryMap->Clone();
473 if (manager->FormatExist(other.fTaskID)) { SetFormat(manager->GetNewEvent(other.fTaskID)); }
474 fCurrentEvent = nullptr;
475 fComment = other.fComment;
476 fInit = other.fInit;
477 fInChain = other.fInChain;
478 fTagList = other.fTagList;
479 fInFileName = other.fInFileName;
480 fDataFormatManager = other.fDataFormatManager;
481 if (fInit == kTRUE) { Cout::PrintInfo(Form("Copying initialized task %s", this->ClassName()), EInfo::kWarning); }
482 }
483 return *this;
484 }
485} // namespace Hal
static void PrintInfo(TString text, Hal::EInfo status)
Definition Cout.cxx:370
CutCollection * GetTwoTrackBackgroundCollection(Int_t collection) const
Bool_t PassEvent(Event *event, const Int_t collection)
Int_t GetSize() const
Int_t GetTwoTrackCollectionsBackgroundNo() const
CutCollection * GetTwoTrackCollection(Int_t collection) const
virtual Package * Report() const
Int_t GetTwoTrackCollectionsNo() const
void AddMonitor(const CutMonitor &monitor, Option_t *opt=" ")
void AddCut(const Cut &cut, Option_t *opt=" ")
void Init(const Int_t task_id=0)
Int_t GetEventCollectionsNo() const
CutCollection * GetTrackCollection(Int_t collection) const
CutCollection * GetEventCollection(Int_t collection) const
Int_t GetTrackCollectionsNo() const
Definition Cut.h:40
void SetCollectionID(Int_t i)
Definition Cut.h:247
Int_t GetNCutMonitors() const
TString GetCutOption(Int_t i) const
const CutMonitor * GetMonitor(Int_t i) const
const Cut * GetCut(Int_t i) const
TString GetCutMonitorOption(Int_t i) const
const Event * GetFormat(Int_t task_id, EFormatDepth format_depth=EFormatDepth::kAll) const
void SetFormat(Event *format, Int_t task_id, EFormatDepth depth=EFormatDepth::kAll, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
TString GetFormatName(Int_t task_id, EFormatDepth format_depth=EFormatDepth::kAll) const
static DataFormatManager * Instance()
Event * GetNewEvent(Int_t task_id, EFormatDepth format_depth=EFormatDepth::kAll) const
Bool_t FormatExist(Int_t task_id, EFormatDepth format_depth=EFormatDepth::kAll) const
Int_t fFormatOption
Definition EventAna.h:48
CutContainer * fCutContainer
Definition EventAna.h:78
virtual Task::EInitFlag CheckFormat()
Definition EventAna.cxx:371
Int_t fEventCollectionsNo
Definition EventAna.h:61
Int_t GetTaskID() const
Definition EventAna.h:155
Int_t fInit
Definition EventAna.h:94
virtual void LinkCollections()
Definition EventAna.cxx:190
Task::EInitFlag InitCutContainer()
Definition EventAna.cxx:127
virtual void AddCutMonitor(const CutMonitor &mon, Option_t *opt="")
Definition EventAna.cxx:327
virtual void CheckCutContainerCollections()
Definition EventAna.cxx:200
virtual void SetOption(Option_t *opt)
Definition EventAna.cxx:115
Int_t fMixSize
Definition EventAna.h:57
void SetInputFileName(TString name)
Definition EventAna.h:104
Event * fCurrentEvent
Definition EventAna.h:86
virtual void InitNewCutContainer()
Definition EventAna.cxx:192
void SetFormatOption(EFormatOption option)
Definition EventAna.cxx:332
void AddToAnaMetadata(Package *main_pack, TObject *obj) const
Definition EventAna.cxx:239
virtual void InitMemoryMap()
Definition EventAna.cxx:423
virtual void SetComment(TString comment)
Definition EventAna.cxx:302
UInt_t fProcessedEvents
Definition EventAna.h:53
MemoryMapManager * fMemoryMap
Definition EventAna.h:82
const ECutUpdate fTiers
Definition EventAna.h:70
EventAna & operator=(const EventAna &other)
Definition EventAna.cxx:449
TDatabasePDG * fPDG
Definition EventAna.h:74
virtual void AddCut(const Cut &cut, Option_t *opt="")
Definition EventAna.cxx:322
virtual Package * Report() const
Definition EventAna.cxx:259
virtual void FinishTask()
Definition EventAna.cxx:291
virtual ~EventAna()
Definition EventAna.cxx:252
Int_t fCurrentEventCollectionID
Definition EventAna.h:65
virtual void Exec(Option_t *opt)
Definition EventAna.cxx:104
virtual void AddCutsAndMonitors(const CutsAndMonitors &monCuts)
Definition EventAna.cxx:440
virtual void SetFormat(Event *format, EFormatDepth depth=EFormatDepth::kAll)
Definition EventAna.cxx:210
TString fComment
Definition EventAna.h:90
virtual void ProcessEvent()
Definition EventAna.h:163
virtual Task::EInitFlag Init()
Definition EventAna.cxx:66
virtual void AddTags(TString tag)
Definition EventAna.cxx:304
virtual Package * Report() const
Definition Event.cxx:252
virtual Bool_t ExistInTree() const
Definition Event.h:218
void Init(Int_t event_factor, Int_t task_id, Bool_t compress, std::vector< TString > direct)
void SetMixSize(Int_t mix_size)
TObject * GetObjectByName(TString name, Int_t index=0, Bool_t quited=kFALSE) const
Definition Package.cxx:67
void SetComment(TString name)
Definition Package.cxx:65
void SetName(TString name)
Definition Package.cxx:298
void AddObject(TObject *object)
Definition Package.cxx:209
void GoToDir(TString name)
Definition Task.cxx:28