Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
Typedefs | |
typedef Pointer< TObject > | ObjectPointer |
typedef DoublePointer< TObject > | ObjectDoublePointer |
typedef HelixZ | Helix |
Functions | |
Bool_t | GetBinsNo () |
NamespaceImp (DetectorID) namespace DetectorID | |
Class for making analysis that require the same event selection algorithm. Any event cuts in added classes "subtasks" will be ignored, only EventCuts added directly to this class will be used. Classes that require track buffering (like TwoTrack ) cannot be used as subtasks.
Class for making analysis where track and event selection can be common. All event and track cuts added to subtasks will be ingored, only cuts added directly to chain will be used in this chain.
class for making pair analysis with the same event, track and pair selection. Any cuts added to subtask will be ignored only cuts added directly to this class will be used in subtasks in chain.
class that store hal events with original format but with preselected particles it mean that only track that passed cuts are stored with Status = Status +1000*Track Col ID
basic class for processing tracks, or trakc groups where buffering is required
randomly rotates event NOTE: Rotates only in Z-plane!
creates "minievents from given format and thus - makes possible reduction of memory requirements removes unusued tracks - however don;t modify oryginal traks class for smearing momentum of track task for smearing events, later such "smeared" events can be used in analysis as normal events but usually some parameters are modified by this class to simulate detector response set track status based on reconstruction -1 - MC track not registered, reconstructed track not matched with MC 0 - track reconstructed one 1 - track reconstructed more than once (or MC track assigned to other track) if track is splitted then status is set 1 otherwise to 0, requires complex format as input this task does not accept any cuts basic class for all femtoscopic analysis user can add here weight algorithm and freezoug generator basic class for obtaint source emission function collection of cf's grouped by pair-phi and kT bins collection of cf's grouped in pt-sum bins class for creating given coordinates in lab frame calculate pair kinematics in PRF frame 3-d function with addritional map for qinv values basic class for storing dphi-deta plots note I blocked in FemtoSolver filling the CovNum matrix represents singe bin of cf class for holding L,M indexes for spherical harmonics class that returns probablity of having femtoscopic pair with give radii class that generate 1-dim exponential source with r = exp(-r/tau) class that generate 1-dim gaussian source base class for fitting all correlation functions and groups of correlation functions abstract class for fitting 3-dim correlation function namespace related with corrfit code store denominator of CF in "hd mode" (with extrapolated bins inside) class for fitting correlation function by using map, similar procedure to those used in A. Kisiel's CorrFit class for fitting correlation functions by using "wielanek maps" this class is for testing conception only class for fitting CF with exponential source and only quantum statistic taken into account function for fitting 1-dim CF with gaussian source, taking into account only quantum statistic effect fit correlation function by polynomial Norm*(Ax+Bx2+Cx3) class for fitting background as polynomial acording to equation Norm(1+A*q+B*q2) for calcuation of radii in eliptical shape - assumes that BS-correction scales eliptical class for fitting simple 3d CF with gaussian shape where only quantum statistic play role class for fitting two gaussian source, important note - Rout,Rside,Rlong correspond to radii of first source class for fitting 3-dim CF's with only quantum statistic effects where are present all radii components class for estimate background, represent polynomial up to second degree N(1+Ax*q_{out}+Bx*q_{oust}^2+...) class that represent basic info about settings used to calculate CF map class for generating 1-dim HBT map, use pairs from dumped file alternative map generator this code generate maps that are not compatible with CorrFitKisiel! this code works only with PRF frame basic class for generate hbt pairs without analysis of data from generator (FemtoDumpPairAna) generate "simple" pairs - 100 pairs per bin per event, NOTE - works correctly only for PRF system generate 2-dim CF map for 1D CF, abstract class for imaging CF's class for imagin 1D CF's with QS only class that paints SHCF function, created when Draw or DrawRanges is called basic weight generator that take into account only quantum statistic, code derived form AliROOT code for FSI based on A. Kisiel TPI software - TODO TEST THIS CODE! wrapper in C++ for R. Lednicky's code, derived form AliROOT basic class for generation of resitual correlations TODO - test this class class for setting weight with supression factor (1-lambda) class that is used for drawing flow vs transverse momentum class used for drawing plot vs rapidity class for making simple flow RP analysis, for this analysis user can add FlowVariable, flow will be drawn as a function of this variable basic class for calculation of fluctiuations of any number of charged particles by default draw number of particles selected by odd cuts vs number of particles selected by event cuts vs event parameter basic class for calculation variables used in fluctuation analysis task for simple QA for event, base on event ana task, therefore user can select objects with cuts base class for QA plots, base on QAReport that is representation of this class in form of report This class contains additional informations about configuration of histograms base class for storing plots from QAPlot based task, this class only stores histograms and information about operations that have to be performed on histograms. Using QAPlotReport instead of saving custon QAPlot allow to keep simplicity of output files. To extract such files please use QAExtractor. class for QA plots, works similar to the standard TrackAnalysis basic class for making spectra analysis basic class for V0 selection abstract class for V0 candidate create V0 candidate for experiments with constant magnetic field where helix track can be used Basic class to hold all kind of cuts class for storing all cuts and cut monitors used in analysis represents configuration of axis in cut monitor class for monitoring one cut/one paramter class for monitoring two cuts/parameters class for monitoring 3 cuts/paramters class to monitor data properties (in contrast to cut monitor doesnt require cuts event that pass good runs only or reject bad runs only, this depends on mode, default mode is rejecting listed runs base class for all mc-event based cuts, require to pass mc-event class for rejecting /accpeting events with fixed interwal accept classes only with modulo given by cut min max important note - this class use own counter not event number ! virtual cut that pass all events and doesn't compute any values check total number of tracks in event check reaction plane angle check biggest track pt in event check impact parameter value small class for storing cut parameters abstract class for all track cuts basic class for all track cuts that use reconstructed tracks class for cut on ToF mass2 user can set standard minium and maximum cut (like in basic to cut) and by SetPolyLIneUp/Down apply additional polynomial-like cut that can be expressed as a + b*p + c*p^2 basic abstract class for TPC tracks cut , supports two modes: in mode "not bad" are accepted particles with nsigma of "good" particle between upper and lower bounds in mode 'good" are additionaly rejected particles with low sigma for "bad particles" even if have good enough "good sigma". This class should not be used directly because ToFTrack doesn't inherit directly from Track. Therefore user should create own version of Pass method. This Pass(Track*) method should explicite specify class of track that is passed to cut. Then by using SetValue set values and use VerifyTpc to return value (instead of Validate()).
class for making beta cut
check track pseudorapidity
example of usage cut and cut monitors
check track mass
check transerse mass of track
check track azimuthal angle
check track transverse momentum
track for selection of tracks with only one cut
check freezout parameters, has four for X,Y,Z and T
check track pid
cut that might be used for accepting/rejecting only particles with/withotut imaginary part
check if track is primary
check track status
virtual cut that pass all tracks and doesn't compute any values
check radial distance cut in barbell like detector where is constant magnetic field in Z direction
check delta eta value pass pair if values of cut are outside of given range
check if pair is inside the square with given d-phi* and d-eta
check pair eta value
check pair kt value
check pair mass invariant value
check pair azimuthal angle
pass pair if Pt of first particle is larger than Pt of second particle
check half of pair pt sum value |pt1+pt2|/2
check pair rapidity
class for debugging two track cuts
virtual cut that pass all pairs of tracks and doesn't compute any values
class for storing two formats, Real event presents current data whereas "imaginary event" is hidden NOTE - compression of source here doesn't work correctly so use uncompressed event or only don't use raw tracks
base class for "comlex track" - object that is build from "real" and "imaginary" track
class for reading events with smeared parameters
manager of formats
abstract class for holding information about event from given type of detector
class for holding information about information about track from single detector
basic representation of experimental track
class for representation of particle registered by Time of Flight detector
basic class for representation of particles registered by TPC
representation of V0 track
class for MC events
basic class for stroing MC tracks something like "Particle"
basic class for representig tracks from tree as common tracks
class for advanced holdin data, currently not used
represents analysis manager for data processing
basic class for storing information about input files
abstract class that represents almost all I/O operations (except writing histograms after completion of analysis
represents magnetic field
class for reading data, creates the "HalEvent" branch with event with given format that to this other tasks can use "direct access" that avoid neccessity of conversion format from tree to Hal::Event based
IO manager for ROOT files processed by AnalysisManager
class that represents the sources of data for AnalysisManager source is responsible for reaction of IOManager IOManager contains InputDataInfo - an array with input files (used if no external data manager is present) IOManager is a member of DataManager that is responsible for I/O operations
basic class that represents task
special class for fast data selection - works only with AnalysisManager
event interface for UnigenData
Template for 1-dim array of simple types
class that represent compression of an array
const list it should be namespace but root don't use namespaces "out of box"
class for "friendly printing"
Basic class for string two histograms numerator and denominator. During using user have two option of adding numerator and denominator. Default option just copy value of pointer, in such case deleting HalDividedHisto don't release memory of all internal histograms, histograms added with option "clone" are copied inside of this class. In such case HalDividedHisto delete those histograms if delete was called or if numerator/denominator is overwritten by new histogram.
class for storing information about axis configuration
class for creating multi graph without manual creating mutiple graphs
class that intepolate 1D histogram by parabolic interpolation, interpolation parameters are different fo each bin of this "pseudohistogram". Therefore on bin edges interpolation is not continuous - this can be fixed by call Refit method
class for extracting data from reports
make HTML reports
class for put reports in database
class that represents simple table of strings
generate picture with flow of data in task
base class for job creation base on the input file that contains: PARAMETERS Here user define parameter name and parameter value, these values are later replaces e.g. if submit command is "qsub ${MY_PARAMETER} then string ${MY_PARAMETER} is replated by value of parameter called \ MY_PARAMETER. Note: there are forbidden names of parameters used by the framework: HAL::CONST::PWD - points to current directory HAL::CONST::START - id of first job HAL::CONST::END - id of last job HAL::CONST::JOB_ID - id of current job (used when not in array mode) HAL::CONST::JOB_FILE - path to job file SETTINGS the setting node contain instruction how to call the command that execut job file/ files, following attributes are supported: * submit - command to submit script * start - id of first job * end - id of last job * array - "yes" if job is in array mode, "no" if job is in normal mode (many scripts are created)
shell - shell command - defile value of first line in job script COMMANDS This section define the commands in script file that is send to the cluster.
class for linking objects, contains id that point to other object used especially in
Class for objects that can be extracted by HTML extractor. In contrast to HalPackage HalPack usually store object that should be treated as single object e.g. parameter. In some rare cases it migth contain more objects if they are connecte. Example of such object are HalDIvidedHisto-based classes
Class for storing package. Package is container for storing data. In contrast to HalPack its not one large structure but rather bunch of objects. Forr example each cut reate own report in form of HalPackage. Thank to this saving cuts is avoided (what could lead to problems because cuts are frequently changed and framework-dependent.
because ROOT likes TObjects and do nasty things with pointers connected with TTree I created this wrappers NOTE - those classes manage a single pointers not arrays
class for minizing function with psedudodiscrete parameter This class makes loop over discrete grid. Therefore user don't have to provide continuous function. If discrete fit is used then fitted parameters correspod to minimum of function at given point on grid. If discrete fit is disabled then minimum is found by using parabolic interpolation around discrete minimum.
template that store 1dim array of 1-dim histograms
base class for hold options in some arrays
helix with non-zero constatn Bz field field is set in Tesla, momenta in GeV/c and positions in cm
representation of helix in magnetic field with constatn Bz based on MpdHelix class from MpdROOT
holds uniqe options
class for representing node attributes
typedef HelixZ Hal::Helix |
typedef DoublePointer<TObject> Hal::ObjectDoublePointer |
typedef Pointer<TObject> Hal::ObjectPointer |
Bool_t Hal::GetBinsNo | ( | ) |
Definition at line 22 of file FemtoSerializationInterface1D.cxx.
Hal::NamespaceImp | ( | DetectorID | ) |
Definition at line 14 of file DataFormat.cxx.