Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
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Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov Class Reference

#include <CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h>

Inheritance diagram for Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov:
Hal::CorrFit3DCF Hal::CorrFitFunc3D Hal::CorrFitFunc Hal::CorrFit Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukovClassic Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukovEllipse

Public Member Functions

void AsFermions ()
void AsBosons ()
void AsNonIdentical ()
void LoadMap (TH2D *h, Option_t *opt="")
void SetAveragePairBeta (Double_t beta)
void SetAveragePairBeta (Double_t m1, Double_t m2, Double_t avkt)
void SetTStarZero ()
Spline2DGetKqMap () const
Femto3DCFUnBowlerize () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hal::CorrFit3DCF
 CorrFit3DCF (Int_t parameters=4)
void SetFuncRange (Double_t x_min, Double_t x_max, Double_t y_min, Double_t y_max, Double_t z_min, Double_t z_max)
void SetRadiusLimits (Double_t min, Double_t max)
void SetFittingMask (const CorrFitMask &map)
Double_t Eval (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hal::CorrFitFunc3D
 CorrFitFunc3D (e3DMode mode=e3DMode::kNormal3R, Int_t par=-1, Int_t dim=1)
Double_t GetRout () const
Double_t GetRoutError () const
Double_t GetRside () const
Double_t GetRsideError () const
Double_t GetRlong () const
Double_t GetRlongError () const
Double_t GetLambda () const
Double_t GetLambdaError () const
void SetLambdaLimits (Double_t min, Double_t max)
void SetRoutLimits (Double_t min, Double_t max)
void SetRsideLimits (Double_t min, Double_t max)
void SetRlongLimits (Double_t min, Double_t max)
Int_t RoutID () const
Int_t RsideID () const
Int_t RlongID () const
Int_t RoutsideID () const
Int_t RoutlongID () const
Int_t RsidelongID () const
Int_t LambdaID () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hal::CorrFitFunc
 CorrFitFunc (Int_t nparams=1, Int_t dim=1)
void SetTolerance (Double_t tol)
void SetMaxIteration (Int_t max)
void SetRange (Double_t min, Double_t max)
void TraceFitting ()
void SetMinimizerConf (const MinimizerStepConf &conf)
void SetMinimizerConf (TString xmlFile)
void MakeDummyXMLConfig (TString xmlFile)
Int_t GetFreeParamsNo () const
Double_t GetChiSquare (Option_t *opt="fitted") const
Double_t GetChiNDF (Option_t *opt="fitted") const
Double_t GetRangeMin (Int_t flag=0) const
Double_t GetRangeMax (Int_t flag=0) const
ChiSqMap2DGetChiSquareMap (Int_t par1, Int_t par1_steps, Int_t par2, Int_t par2_steps, Bool_t scale=kTRUE, EMinFunc=kChi2) const
ChiSqMap2DGetChiSquareMap (Int_t par1, Int_t par1_steps, Double_t par1_min, Double_t par1_max, Int_t par2, Int_t par2_steps, Double_t par2_min, Double_t par2_max, Bool_t scale=kTRUE, EMinFunc=kChi2) const
TF1 * GetFittedFunction () const
CorrFitHDFuncGetHD () const
virtual void PreFit (TObject *histo, Double_t bins=1)
Double_t GetNorm () const
Int_t NormID () const
Double_t GetNormError () const
void SetNormLimits (Double_t min, Double_t max)
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
virtual void Repaint ()
Hal::CorrFitGUIStartGui (Int_t prec=-1)
CorrFitPainterGetPainter () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hal::CorrFit
 CorrFit (Int_t parameters_no=2)
void SetParLimits (Int_t par, Double_t min, Double_t max)
void FixParameter (Int_t par, Double_t val)
void SetParameterName (Int_t par, TString name)
void SetLineColor (Color_t color)
void SetLineStyle (Style_t style)
void SetLineWidth (Width_t width)
void SetThreshold (Double_t thres)
void PrintFitResults () const
Bool_t IsParFixed (Int_t par) const
Bool_t IsParDiscrete (Int_t par) const
Double_t GetParMin (Int_t par) const
Double_t GetParMax (Int_t par) const
Double_t GetParError (Int_t par) const
Double_t GetParameter (Int_t par) const
const FitParamGetParamConf (Int_t par) const
Double_t GetNDF () const
Int_t GetParametersNo () const
Int_t GetParameterIndex (TString name) const
TString GetParameterName (Int_t no) const
virtual void SetMinimizer (EMinAlgo alg)
void SetMinimizedFunc (EMinFunc f)
void SetCalculationOption (ECalcOption f)
CorrFitPainterGetPainter () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Int_t Tau ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Fit (TObject *histo)
virtual void FitDummy (TObject *histo)
virtual Double_t GetRoutPRF (Double_t r_out, Double_t tau) const
Double_t Gaus (Double_t r, Double_t R) const
virtual Double_t CalculateCF (const Double_t *x, const Double_t *params) const
virtual void RecalculateFunction () const
 CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov (Int_t extra_params)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Hal::CorrFit3DCF
virtual void MakePainter (TString options)
CorrFitMask3DGetMask () const
virtual void RecalculateSmoothFunction () const
void SetErrors (TH1 *num, const TH1 *den) const
virtual void EstimateActiveBins ()
void DrawPureFunction (TString option)
void DrawFunctionWithCF (TString option)
void DrawOther (TString option)
void DrawDiagonalOther (TString option)
void DrawDiagonalWithCF (TString option)
void PrepareRaw ()
TF1 * GetDrawableFunc (TString option)
double GetChiTFD (const double *par) const
double GetChiTF (const double *par) const
double GetLogTFD (const double *par) const
Double_t EvalDenominator (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const
virtual Double_t EvalCF (const Double_t *x, const Double_t *params) const
virtual Double_t GetNumericalError (Int_t, Int_t, Int_t) const
 CorrFit3DCF (e3DMode mode, Int_t parameters=3)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Hal::CorrFitFunc
virtual void PrepareHalMinimizer () const
virtual void PrepareRootMinimizer (ROOT::Math::Minimizer *minizer) const
void SetupFunction (TF1 *f) const
void NumericalMinimization ()
void NumericalPreMinimization (Double_t bins)
void DummyNumericalFunction ()
void ParametersChanged () const
virtual void Check ()
virtual void Prepare ()
void FitStep (Int_t)
double FunctorChiTFD (const double *params)
double FunctorChiTF (const double *params)
double FunctorLogTFD (const double *params)
void CalcError (const Double_t Num, const Double_t NumErr, const Double_t Den, const Double_t DenErr, Double_t &cf, Double_t &cfe) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Hal::CorrFit
std::vector< TString > AlgoToOptions (EMinAlgo algo) const
void CheckOrder ()
void ChangeParametersNo ()
Color_t GetLineColor () const
Style_t GetLineStyle () const
Width_t GetLineWidth () const
TF1 * GetTF1 (Int_t no) const
std::vector< std::pair< TF1 *, TVirtualPad * > > GetDrawFunctions () const
void OverwriteParam (Int_t par, Double_t val)
void CopyParamsToTF1 (TF1 *f, Bool_t copyNumPar=kTRUE, Bool_t copyGrapPar=kTRUE) const
void SetErrorsNegative ()
void SetFitOrder (std::initializer_list< Int_t > order)

Protected Attributes

Bool_t fTStarZero
Double_t fRinv
Double_t fAverageBeta
Double_t fGamma
Double_t fQSMode
const Double_t fSqrt3
Femto::EKinematics fFrame
- Protected Attributes inherited from Hal::CorrFit3DCF
Int_t fBinX = {0}
Int_t fBinY = {0}
Int_t fBinZ = {0}
- Protected Attributes inherited from Hal::CorrFitFunc3D
const e3DMode fMode
- Protected Attributes inherited from Hal::CorrFitFunc
Femto::EKinematics fKinematics
const Int_t fDim
Double_t fChi [2]
Int_t fMaxIterations
Int_t fNormParIndex = {0}
Double_t fTolerance
Double_t fActiveBins
Array_1< Double_t > fRange
Bool_t fTrace
Bool_t fOwnRangeMap
TObject * fCF
TH1 * fDenominatorHistogram
TH1 * fNumeratorHistogram
TH1 * fCorrelationFunctionHistogram
CorrFitPainterfPainter = {nullptr}
MinimizerStepConf fDiscretteMinimzerConf
- Protected Attributes inherited from Hal::CorrFit
ECalcOption fBinCalc
EMinFunc fMinFunc
EMinAlgo fMinAlgo
CorrFitPainterfPainter = {nullptr}
Int_t fNDF
Double_t fThreshold
std::vector< FitParamfParameters
std::vector< Int_t > fFitOrder
std::vector< std::pair< TF1 *, TVirtualPad * > > fDrawFunc
Double_t * fTempParamsEval

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Hal::CorrFit
enum  EMinFunc { kChi , kLog , kChi2 }
enum  EMinAlgo {
  kMinuitMigrad , kMinuitSimplex , kMinuitCombined , kMinuitScan ,
  kMinuitFumili , kGLSMultiMinConjungateFR , kGLSMultiMinConjugatePR , kGLSMultiMinBFGS ,
  kGLSMultiMinBFGS2 , kGLSMultiMinSteppestDescent , kGLSMultiFit , kGLSSimAn ,
  kDefaultAlgo , kHalScan , kHalAnt , kHalScanMigrad ,
enum  ECalcOption { kSimple , kExtrapolated }
- Protected Types inherited from Hal::CorrFitFunc3D
enum class  e3DMode {
  kNormal3R , kRatio3R , kNormal6R , kRatio6R ,
  kPlus3R , kPlus6R

Detailed Description

fit by using bowler sinyukov method can be used for bosons or fermions

Definition at line 22 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov() [1/2]

Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov ( Int_t extra_params)

Definition at line 80 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov() [2/2]

Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov ( )

Definition at line 67 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ ~CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov()

Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::~CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov ( )

Definition at line 230 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AsBosons()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::AsBosons ( )

consider boson pairs

Definition at line 51 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ AsFermions()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::AsFermions ( )

consider fermion pairs

Definition at line 47 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ AsNonIdentical()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::AsNonIdentical ( )

ignore quantum-statistic effects

Definition at line 55 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ CalculateCF()

Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::CalculateCF ( const Double_t * x,
const Double_t * params ) const

return value of CF at given point

xvalues x[0] - out, x[1] -side, x[2] -long
value of CF at (x[0],x[1],x[2])

Implements Hal::CorrFit3DCF.

Reimplemented in Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukovClassic, and Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukovEllipse.

Definition at line 33 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ Fit()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::Fit ( TObject * histo)

fit this function to given CF

histo- object that will be fitted
See also
Femto1DCF::Fit or

Reimplemented from Hal::CorrFitFunc.

Definition at line 235 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ FitDummy()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::FitDummy ( TObject * histo)

make dummy fit - allows to draw this function but doesn't try to fit it

Reimplemented from Hal::CorrFitFunc.

Definition at line 309 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ Gaus()

Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::Gaus ( Double_t r,
Double_t R ) const

Definition at line 37 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ GetKqMap()

Spline2D * Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::GetKqMap ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ GetRoutPRF()

Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::GetRoutPRF ( Double_t r_out,
Double_t tau ) const

Definition at line 276 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ LoadMap()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::LoadMap ( TH2D * h,
Option_t * opt = "" )

load map that is used for calculations

hmap histogram
optdefine type of loaded map if "lcms" then assume that there is C(qinv,r_inv) if option is "" then assume that map is C(k*,r*), if "krmap" then assume that there is W_av(k*,r*) where W_av is averaged weight of pairs with given k* and r*

Definition at line 93 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ RecalculateFunction()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::RecalculateFunction ( ) const

called for each calculation of chi2 or loglikehood minimalization - used for recalculation CF is parameters are changed

Reimplemented from Hal::CorrFit3DCF.

Definition at line 210 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ SetAveragePairBeta() [1/2]

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::SetAveragePairBeta ( Double_t beta)

set average pair beta, this value must be set to correctly fit CF in LCMS where we need to know how to convert R_out to R_out*

betaaverage pair beta

Definition at line 271 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ SetAveragePairBeta() [2/2]

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::SetAveragePairBeta ( Double_t m1,
Double_t m2,
Double_t avkt )

set average pair beta

See also
CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::SetAveragePairBeta(Double_t beta)
m1mass of first particle
m2mass of second particle
avktaverage kt

Definition at line 263 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

◆ SetTStarZero()

void Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::SetTStarZero ( )

Definition at line 79 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ Tau()

static Int_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::Tau ( )

Definition at line 87 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ UnBowlerize()

Femto3DCF * Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::UnBowlerize ( ) const

divide numerator by value of CF with Norm=1, to remove coulomb interaction only you should call AsNonIdentical before calling this function


Definition at line 280 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.cxx.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fAverageBeta

Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fAverageBeta

Definition at line 28 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fCFs

Spline2D* Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fCFs

Definition at line 24 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fFrame

Femto::EKinematics Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fFrame

Definition at line 32 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fGamma

Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fGamma

Definition at line 29 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fQinvMap

Spline3D* Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fQinvMap

Definition at line 25 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fQSMode

Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fQSMode

Definition at line 30 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fRinv

Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fRinv

Definition at line 27 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fSqrt3

const Double_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fSqrt3

Definition at line 31 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

◆ fTStarZero

Bool_t Hal::CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov::fTStarZero

Definition at line 26 of file CorrFit3DCFBowlerSinyukov.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: