Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
No Matches
Hal::DividedHisto2D Class Reference

#include <DividedHisto.h>

Inheritance diagram for Hal::DividedHisto2D:
Hal::DividedHisto1D Hal::Object Hal::DividedHisto3D Hal::FemtoDPhiDEta Hal::FemtoDebug2DCF Hal::Femto3DCF Hal::Femto3DCFQinv

Public Member Functions

 DividedHisto2D ()
 DividedHisto2D (TString name)
 DividedHisto2D (TString name, Int_t binsX, Double_t minX, Double_t maxX, Int_t binsY, Double_t minY, Double_t maxY, Char_t type='D')
 DividedHisto2D (TString name, const HistogramAxisConf &axX, const HistogramAxisConf &axY, Char_t type='D')
 DividedHisto2D (const DividedHisto2D &other)
void Fold2D (Double_t valX, Double_t valY, Option_t *opt="xy")
void FillNum (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t weight)
void FillDen (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t weight)
virtual TString HTMLExtract (Int_t counter=0, TString dir=" ") const
virtual void Rebin (Int_t ngroup, Option_t *opt)
TH1D * GetProjection1D (Double_t min, Double_t max, Option_t *opt) const
Double_t CalculateNorm (Double_t minX, Double_t maxX, Double_t minY, Double_t maxY) const
virtual void Browse (TBrowser *b)
DividedHisto2Doperator= (const DividedHisto2D &other)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hal::DividedHisto1D
 DividedHisto1D ()
 DividedHisto1D (TString name)
 DividedHisto1D (TString name, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max, Char_t type='D')
 DividedHisto1D (TString name, const HistogramAxisConf &conf, Char_t type='D')
 DividedHisto1D (const DividedHisto1D &other)
DividedHisto1Doperator= (const DividedHisto1D &other)
void SetScale (Double_t scale)
void SetAxisName (TString name)
TH1 * GetNum () const
TH1 * GetDen () const
TH1 * GetHist (Bool_t normalized=kTRUE) const
void SetOwnerNum (Bool_t own)
void SetOwnerDen (Bool_t own)
void SetOwner (Bool_t own)
void SetNorm (Double_t min, Double_t max, Int_t axis=0)
void AddLabel (TString label)
void SetBinomial (Bool_t binomial)
void SetComment (TString comment)
void FillNum (Double_t x, Double_t weight)
void FillDen (Double_t x, Double_t weight)
virtual void AddNum (TH1 *num, Option_t *opt="")
virtual void AddDen (TH1 *den, Option_t *opt="")
virtual void AddNumDen (TH1 *num, TH1 *den, Option_t *opt="")
virtual void AddScaled (const DividedHisto1D &other, Double_t scale=1)
void Fold1D (Double_t val, Option_t *opt="x")
virtual void Add (const Object *h)
virtual void FillNumObj (TObject *)
virtual void FillDenObj (TObject *)
virtual void Print (Option_t *opt) const
virtual void SetDirectory (TDirectory *dir=nullptr)
Int_t GetNDim () const
Int_t GetLabelsNo () const
Bool_t IsBinomial () const
Bool_t IsDenOwner () const
Bool_t IsNumOwner () const
Bool_t IsOwner () const
Double_t GetNormMin (Int_t no=0) const
Double_t GetNormMax (Int_t no=0) const
Double_t GetScale () const
Double_t CalculateNorm (Double_t min, Double_t max) const
virtual Long64_t Merge (TCollection *collection)
TString GetAxisName () const
TList * GetLabelList () const
TString GetLabel (Int_t i) const
TString GetExtractType () const
TString GetComment () const
virtual void Draw (Option_t *opt="all")
virtual TObject * GetSpecial (TString opt) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hal::Object
 Object ()
virtual void HTMLExtractIntoTable (Int_t, HtmlTable &, TString="", TString="") const
virtual Bool_t CanBeTableElement () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Normalize (TH1 *h) const
virtual void SetHistoName (TH1 *h) const
virtual void Folding2D (Double_t valX, Double_t valY, Option_t *opt)
virtual void Folding1D (Double_t val, Option_t *axis)
 DividedHisto2D (TString name, const Int_t dim)
TH1D * Projection2DTo1D (Double_t min, Double_t max, Option_t *opt) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Hal::DividedHisto1D
 DividedHisto1D (TString name, const Int_t dim)
virtual TString CommonExtract (Int_t counter, TString dir) const
virtual TString GetPic () const
virtual void ApplyStyle (const HistoStyle &h)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from Hal::DividedHisto1D
TH1 * fNum
TH1 * fDen
Bool_t fBinomial
const Int_t fDim
Double_t * fNormMin
Double_t * fNormMax
Double_t fScale
TString fAxisName
TString fComment
TList * fLabels

Detailed Description

class for storing divided 2-dim histograms

Definition at line 413 of file DividedHisto.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DividedHisto2D() [1/6]

Hal::DividedHisto2D::DividedHisto2D ( TString name,
const Int_t dim )

to used only with 3D constructors


Definition at line 431 of file DividedHisto.h.

◆ DividedHisto2D() [2/6]

Hal::DividedHisto2D::DividedHisto2D ( )

default constructor should not be used

Definition at line 510 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ DividedHisto2D() [3/6]

Hal::DividedHisto2D::DividedHisto2D ( TString name)

constructor without allocation of histograms


Definition at line 456 of file DividedHisto.h.

◆ DividedHisto2D() [4/6]

Hal::DividedHisto2D::DividedHisto2D ( TString name,
Int_t binsX,
Double_t minX,
Double_t maxX,
Int_t binsY,
Double_t minY,
Double_t maxY,
Char_t type = 'D' )

main constructor

namename of this object
binsXnumber of x-bins
binsYnumber of bins on Y
minYmin Y
maxYmax Y
typetype eg. 'D" for TH2D 'I" for TH2I etc.

Definition at line 1329 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ DividedHisto2D() [5/6]

Hal::DividedHisto2D::DividedHisto2D ( TString name,
const HistogramAxisConf & axX,
const HistogramAxisConf & axY,
Char_t type = 'D' )

Definition at line 1378 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ DividedHisto2D() [6/6]

Hal::DividedHisto2D::DividedHisto2D ( const DividedHisto2D & other)

copy constructor


Definition at line 1445 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ ~DividedHisto2D()

Hal::DividedHisto2D::~DividedHisto2D ( )

Definition at line 746 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Browse()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::Browse ( TBrowser * b)

used to draw histograms


Reimplemented from Hal::DividedHisto1D.

Reimplemented in Hal::Femto3DCF, Hal::Femto3DCFQinv, Hal::FemtoDebug2DCF, and Hal::FemtoDPhiDEta.

Definition at line 733 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ CalculateNorm()

Double_t Hal::DividedHisto2D::CalculateNorm ( Double_t minX,
Double_t maxX,
Double_t minY,
Double_t maxY ) const

calucalte denominator/numerator ratio at given range

minlower norm range
maxupper norm range
minYlower norm range
maxYupper norm range

Definition at line 1461 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ FillDen()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::FillDen ( Double_t x,
Double_t y,
Double_t weight )

fill denominator

xx - value
yy - value

Definition at line 511 of file DividedHisto.h.

◆ FillNum()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::FillNum ( Double_t x,
Double_t y,
Double_t weight )

fill numerator

xx - value
yy - value

Definition at line 504 of file DividedHisto.h.

◆ Fold2D()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::Fold2D ( Double_t valX,
Double_t valY,
Option_t * opt = "xy" )

for 2D histograms makes folding around point if "xy" options is specified, if options is equal to "z" then Fol1D(valX,"x") and Fold1D(valY,"y") is called (

See also
Fold1D ) for 3D histogram makes one of following operations - if option has one char then folding around two planes is done like for 2D e.g. Fold2D("z") means Fold1D(valX,"x") + Fold1D(valY,"y") Fold2D("x") means Fold1D(valX,"y") + Fold1D(valY,"z) Fold2D("y") means Fold1D(valX,"x") + Fold(valY,"z") if options has two chars then folding around axis is made e.g. Fold2D("xy") means folding around z axis @param valX value on first axis @param valY value on second axis @param opt option can be "xy" or "z" for 2D, for 3D it's say witch axis is used (e.g. can be "yz") or how two foldins should be made

Definition at line 652 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ Folding1D()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::Folding1D ( Double_t val,
Option_t * axis )

make folding around given axis

valvalue of folding
axisaxis label (x,y or z)

Reimplemented from Hal::DividedHisto1D.

Reimplemented in Hal::DividedHisto3D.

Definition at line 543 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ Folding2D()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::Folding2D ( Double_t valX,
Double_t valY,
Option_t * opt )

called by

See also
valXvalue on first axis
valYvalue on second axis
optoption can be "xy" for 2D, for 3D it's say witch plane is used (e.g. can be "yz")

Reimplemented in Hal::DividedHisto3D.

Definition at line 603 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ GetProjection1D()

TH1D * Hal::DividedHisto2D::GetProjection1D ( Double_t min,
Double_t max,
Option_t * opt ) const

return projection

minprojection lower range
maxprojection upper range
optif "num" - then projection of numerator is returned, if "den" projection of denominator is returned, if option don't contain "num" or "den" then projection of divided function is returned, if "bins" then min and max are treated as number of bins for projection if "scale" is specified, then projection is divided by number of bins in projection range, if "y" is specified the projection is made along y axis, otherwise along x axis.

Definition at line 534 of file DividedHisto.h.

◆ HTMLExtract()

TString Hal::DividedHisto2D::HTMLExtract ( Int_t counter = 0,
TString dir = " " ) const

crates htm repot

countercounter of this object
dirplace where extract report
relative address

Reimplemented from Hal::DividedHisto1D.

Reimplemented in Hal::DividedHisto3D, Hal::Femto3DCF, Hal::FemtoDebug2DCF, and Hal::FemtoDPhiDEta.

Definition at line 512 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ Normalize()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::Normalize ( TH1 * h) const

make normalization for histogram

hhistogram for normalization

Reimplemented from Hal::DividedHisto1D.

Reimplemented in Hal::DividedHisto3D.

Definition at line 480 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ operator=()

DividedHisto2D & Hal::DividedHisto2D::operator= ( const DividedHisto2D & other)

operator =


Definition at line 538 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ Projection2DTo1D()

TH1D * Hal::DividedHisto2D::Projection2DTo1D ( Double_t min,
Double_t max,
Option_t * opt ) const

return projection

minprojection lower range
maxprojection upper range
optif "num" - then projection of numerator is returned, if "den" projection of denominator is returned, if option don't contain "num" or "den" then projection of divided function is returned, if "bins" then min and max are treated as number of bins for projection if "scale" is specified, then projection is divided by number of bins in projection range, if "y" is specified the projection is made along y axis, otherwise along x axis.

Definition at line 1498 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ Rebin()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::Rebin ( Int_t ngroup,
Option_t * opt )

rebin numerator and/or denominator

optif "num" only numerator is rebined, if "den" only denominator is rebined, otherwise both, if "x" or "y" are used then rebin is performed only on given axis

Reimplemented from Hal::DividedHisto1D.

Reimplemented in Hal::DividedHisto3D.

Definition at line 1153 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

◆ SetHistoName()

void Hal::DividedHisto2D::SetHistoName ( TH1 * h) const

set titles for histogram axis

hhistogram to set titles on axis

Reimplemented from Hal::DividedHisto1D.

Reimplemented in Hal::DividedHisto3D.

Definition at line 536 of file DividedHisto.cxx.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: