Heavy ion Analysis Libriares
No Matches
2 * FemtoMiniPair.h
3 *
4 * Created on: 9 lut 2019
5 * Author: Daniel Wielanek
6 * E-mail: daniel.wielanek@gmail.com
7 * Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics
8 */
12#include "FemtoPair.h"
14#include <TMath.h>
16namespace Hal {
17 class FemtoPicoPair : public TObject {
18 protected:
22 Float_t fPx1, fPy1, fPz1, fE1; // true momenta
26 Float_t fPx2, fPy2, fPz2, fE2; // true momenta
27 public:
39 inline Float_t TruePx1() const { return fPx1; };
44 inline Float_t TruePy1() const { return fPy1; };
49 inline Float_t TruePz1() const { return fPz1; };
54 inline Float_t TrueE1() const { return fE1; };
59 inline Float_t TruePhi1() const { return TMath::ATan2(fPy1, fPx1); }
64 inline Float_t TruePx2() const { return fPx2; };
69 inline Float_t TruePy2() const { return fPy2; };
74 inline Float_t TruePz2() const { return fPz2; };
79 inline Float_t TrueE2() const { return fE2; };
84 inline Float_t TruePhi2() const { return TMath::ATan2(fPy2, fPx2); };
89 inline Float_t GetPhi() const { return TMath::ATan2(fPy1 + fPy2, fPx1 + fPx2); };
90 virtual ~FemtoPicoPair();
91 ClassDef(FemtoPicoPair, 1)
92 };
95 protected:
99 Float_t fpx1, fpy1, fpz1, fe1; // fake momenta
103 Float_t fpx2, fpy2, fpz2, fe2; // fake momenta
107 Int_t fPdg1, fPdg2;
109 public:
115 inline Float_t GetPx1() const { return fpx1; };
120 inline Float_t GetPy1() const { return fpy1; };
125 inline Float_t GetPz1() const { return fpz1; };
130 inline Float_t GetE1() const { return fe1; };
135 inline Float_t GetPhi1() const { return TMath::ATan2(fpy1, fpx1); };
140 inline Float_t GetPx2() const { return fpx2; };
145 inline Float_t GetPy2() const { return fpy2; };
150 inline Float_t GetPz2() const { return fpz2; };
155 inline Float_t GetE2() const { return fe2; };
160 inline Float_t GetPhi2() const { return TMath::ATan2(fpy2, fpx2); };
165 inline Int_t GetPdg1() const { return fPdg1; };
170 inline Int_t GetPdg2() const { return fPdg2; };
175 inline void SetPdg1(Int_t val) { fPdg1 = val; };
180 inline void SetPdg2(Int_t val) { fPdg2 = val; };
188 void SetTrueMomenta1(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e);
196 void SetTrueMomenta2(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e);
205 void SetMomenta1(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e);
213 void SetMomenta2(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e);
214 FemtoMicroPair& operator=(const FemtoPair& other);
215 virtual ~FemtoMicroPair();
216 ClassDef(FemtoMicroPair, 1)
217 };
226 Float_t fX1, fY1, fZ1, fT1;
230 Float_t fX2, fY2, fZ2, fT2;
232 public:
239 FemtoMiniPair& operator=(const FemtoPair& other);
243 void PrintInfo() const;
244 virtual ~FemtoMiniPair();
249 inline Float_t GetX1() const { return fX1; };
254 inline Float_t GetY1() const { return fY1; };
259 inline Float_t GetZ1() const { return fZ1; };
264 inline Float_t GetT1() const { return fT1; };
269 inline Float_t GetX2() const { return fX2; };
274 inline Float_t GetY2() const { return fY2; };
279 inline Float_t GetZ2() const { return fZ2; };
284 inline Float_t GetT2() const { return fT2; };
290 inline void SetX1(Float_t val) { fX1 = val; };
295 inline void SetY1(Float_t val) { fY1 = val; };
300 inline void SetZ1(Float_t val) { fZ1 = val; };
305 inline void SetT1(Float_t val) { fT1 = val; };
310 inline void SetX2(Float_t val) { fX2 = val; };
315 inline void SetY2(Float_t val) { fY2 = val; };
320 inline void SetZ2(Float_t val) { fZ2 = val; };
325 inline void SetT2(Float_t val) { fT2 = val; };
326 ClassDef(FemtoMiniPair, 1);
327 };
328} // namespace Hal
329#endif /* HALFEMTOMINIPAIR_H_ */
Float_t GetPy2() const
void SetPdg2(Int_t val)
void SetTrueMomenta2(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e)
Float_t GetPx1() const
Float_t GetPhi1() const
Float_t GetE2() const
Float_t GetE1() const
void SetMomenta2(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e)
Float_t GetPx2() const
Float_t GetPz1() const
void SetMomenta1(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e)
Int_t GetPdg2() const
Float_t GetPy1() const
Int_t GetPdg1() const
void SetTrueMomenta1(Float_t px, Float_t py, Float_t pz, Float_t e)
Float_t GetPhi2() const
Float_t GetPz2() const
void SetPdg1(Int_t val)
Float_t GetY2() const
FemtoMiniPair & operator=(const FemtoPair &other)
Float_t GetZ2() const
Float_t GetX2() const
Float_t GetZ1() const
void SetZ2(Float_t val)
Float_t GetY1() const
Float_t GetX1() const
void PrintInfo() const
void SetX1(Float_t val)
void SetZ1(Float_t val)
Float_t GetT2() const
void SetT1(Float_t val)
void SetY1(Float_t val)
Float_t GetT1() const
void SetT2(Float_t val)
void SetY2(Float_t val)
void SetX2(Float_t val)
Float_t TruePy2() const
Float_t TruePx2() const
Float_t TruePhi2() const
Float_t TruePz2() const
Float_t TruePy1() const
Float_t TruePhi1() const
Float_t GetPhi() const
Float_t TrueE1() const
Float_t TruePz1() const
FemtoPicoPair & operator=(const FemtoPicoPair &other)
Float_t TruePx1() const
Float_t TrueE2() const